Father Edwin Rivas Literato

July 13, 1964 – May 16, 2024
Province of Saints Joachim and Anne, Sicily

On the afternoon of May 16th, struck by an unexpected death at the age of 59. He concluded his earthly pilgrimage at the “Umberto I” Hospital in Syracuse where he had been hospitalized due to a problem related to diabetes,


Son of Fidencio and Rosil Maddalena was born in the Philippines in Lanuza Surigao on July 13, 1964. In 1986, he obtained a degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of S. Josè Recoletos (Cebu City). Having come to Italy in 1990, he began his postulancy period at the “Gesù Ecce Homo” Convent in Calvaruso. He completed his novitiate year in Sciacca in the Convent of S. Maria del Giglio in 1992 and made his simple profession, again in Sciacca, on September 26, 1993. Having reached the seat of Calvaruso, he continued his theological studies in Messina at the San Tommaso Institute of the Salesian Fathers. He made his solemn profession in our Sanctuary of San Calogero in Sciacca on September 1, 1996. Ordained Deacon on September 28, 1996 in the “Gesù Ecce Homo” Sanctuary of Calvaruso, he was ordained a priest in the “San Corrado Confalonieri” Parish (Mazzarrona) in Syracuse on April 26, 1997 where he almost always carried out his priestly ministry as Deputy Parish Priest and SFO Assistant except for a short period of four years (2015-2019) during which he held the office of Rector at the Church of S. Caterina in Naples. His prolonged presence meant that he became an adopted son of that land to the point that the mayor of the city of Syracuse awarded him honorary citizenship. A good, gentle and patient religious man, in silence he built the Church of Christ. With great fortitude he endured the trials linked to his delicate state of health without wanting to burden his brothers.

On the eve of the solemn Pentecost, may the Spirit of the Risen One associate him with the fate of the righteous in the glorious assembly of Paradise and allow him to enjoy the fruits of peace and goodness that he has sown abundantly on earth. The funeral was celebrated on Monday, May 20 at 10.30 am in the Parish of S. Corrado Confalonieri in Syracuse by the Provincial Minister, the Very Reverend Fr. Calogero Favata and by several brothers of the diocesan and religious clergy. The presence of numerous lay faithful was greatly affected by the passing of Fr. Edwin two months after the passing of Fr. Antonio. The Bishop of Syracuse, Monsignor Francesco Lomanto, unable to preside at the funeral, stopped in prayer before the mortal remains of Fr. Edwin and with the community on the afternoon of Sunday May 19, the feast of Pentecost.

At the request of his relatives, Fr. Edwin’s ashes will rest next to those of his family in the Philippines awaiting the final Resurrection on the last day.